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Occupational Safety and Health

SK Rent-a-Car recognizes the safety and health of our employees and workers as our first priority in corporate management

SK Rent-a-Car implements SHE(Safety, Health, and Environment) management practices to protect our employees and customers from potential accidents that could occur during business activities.

Occupational Safety and Health Policy

SK Rent-a-Car prioritizes safety, health, and environment, taking responsibility for all possible vulnerable stakeholders to occupational safety and health issue, including employees engaged in dispatch, subcontracting, services, and outsourcing work, and makes efforts to minimize the negative impact on our management activities.
In 2023, we revised the safety and health policy to announce our commitment and to present a consistent direction of our policy.

Occupational Safety and Health Act

SK Rent-a-Car recognizes the safety and health of its members and employees* as the core value of corporate management and establishes and practices the following safety and health management policies to create a safe and pleasant working environment.

  • 01All members of the company prioritize safety and health, and strive to establish a culture of safety and health through voluntary participation and active practice.
  • 02The company will thoroughly comply with safety and health related laws and regulations and endeavor to minimize the occurrence of accidents at workplaces.
  • 03The company will continue to identify and eliminate risk factors through safety and health activities involving all members and do its best to ensure that necessary resources are provided in a timely manner.
  • 04The company will guarantee the participation and consultation of its members and employees to ensure the safety and health of its members and employees and to enhance the effectiveness of accident prevention.
  • 05The company will regularly assess and improve the suitability and effectiveness of safety and health policy objectives and safety and health management system.

*Employees : dispatched, contracted, service, commissioned business workers to the SK Rent-a-Car workplace

Medium to long-term goals for safety and health policy

  • 2023


    • Serious accident occurrence : 0 Case
    • Lost Time Incident Rate : 0
    • ISO 45001 : Maintenance
    • Safety and Health Education : Broad implementation to include dispatched workers

    Establishment of self-regulation and prevention system for safety and health

    • Safety and health risk assessment expanded
      Once a year in 2022 → Half-yearly in 2023
    • More business sites for safety and health risk assessment
      24 sites in 2022 → 43 sites in 2023
    • Achieved a Low rating based on the KRAS(Korea Risk Assessment System) criteria(less than 6 points out of 20 points in total)
    • Occupational Safety and Health Management System(ISO 45001 certification) in operation throughout the year
      Four business sites for post-operation, certification maintained3 nonconformities in 2022 improved
    • Expanded safety and health education to include dispatched workers
    • Received feedback from employees and took measures for improvements
      Occupational Safety and Health Committee : 4 times a year(quarterly)
      Safety and Health Council : 12 times a year(monthly)
      New system for reporting, and proposals and campaigning quarterly
  • 2024


    • Serious accident occurrence : 0 Case
    • Lost Time Incident Rate : 0
    • ISO 45001 : Maintenance

    Continuous operation of the self-regulation and prevention system for safety and health, and internalization

    • Revised and continued operation of safety and health risk assessment
      Revised regulations and applied an easier assessment method
      Continued risk assessment of new and changed business sites
      Walk-around inspection by supervisors in each site to discover accidents and risk factors, and to make improvements
    • Occupational Safety and Health Management System(ISO 45001 certification) in operation throughout the year
      4 business sites for post-operation; certification maintained in relation to safety and health After reviewing the implemented regulations, identified deficiencies and made improvements
    • Received feedback from employees and took measures for improvements
      Occupational Safety and Health Committee : 4 times a year(quarterly)
      Safety and Health Council : 12 times a year(monthly)
      New system for reporting, and proposals and campaigning quarterly promotion 4
  • 2025


    • Serious accident occurrence : 0 Case
    • Lost Time Incident Rate : 0
    • ISO 45001 : Renewal

    Completed the self-regulation and prevention system for safety and health

    • Continuous risk assessment to be revised in 2024
    • Occupational Safety and Health Management System(ISO 45001 certification) in operation throughout the year
      Certification renewals for each work process
      The status of implemented regulations on safety and health with the regulations revised in 2024, aiming for 0 cases of deficiencies
    • Received feedback from employees and took measures for improvements
      Occupational Safety and Health Committee : 4 times a year(quarterly)
      Safety and Health Council : 12 times a year(monthly)
      New system for reporting, and proposals and campaigning quarterly promotion 4
Continue to achieve the goal of zero serious accidents at our business sites

Occupational Safety and Health Management System

In 2022, SK Rent-a-Car achieved the goal of establishing the SHE(Safety, Health and Environment) Management System through employees’ voluntary participation in creating a safe and healthy working environment.
We annually establish plans on safety and health, report them to the board of directors to get approval.
We also hold the Occupational Safety and Health Committee every quarter to create a pleasant and safe working environment.

Organizational Chart for Occupational Safety and Health

Work Environment Improvement Process

  • Collect employee’s opinions

  • Collect employee committee member’s opinion

  • Present opinions to the committee

  • Deliberation · vote

  • Prepare improvement plan

  • Implement improvement plan

Activities of the Occupational Safety and Health Committee

Year Session Date of holding Category Content
2022 1 April 26(Tue) Deliberation
and vote
Elected the Occupational Safety and Health Committee chairperson
Established operating regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Committee
Established safety and health management regulations
2 July 5(Tue) Deliberation
and vote
Prevented health hazards caused by heat waves
Published the summary of the Occupational Safety and Health Act
Improvements of rest facilities
Provided protective gear in summer
3 September 30(Fri) Deliberation
and vote
Company vehicles equipped with fire extinguishers
Reported Made efforts to obtain ISO 450001 certification
Improved first aid kits for each workplace
4 December 8(Thu) Deliberation
and vote
Strengthened management for workplaces with safety vulnerability
Implemented preventive measures for cold-related diseases
Reported Obtained ISO 45001
Shared safety inspection results and cases of the second half of the year
Provided protective gear for workers enduring extreme weather and working after sunset
2023 1 Febrauary 2(Fri) Deliberation
and vote
Elected the Occupational Safety and Health Committee chairperson
Assigned a safety inspector for each workplace
Improvement of safety devices in company vehicles
2 May 7(Wed) Deliberation
and vote
Revised the occupational safety and health management regulations
Disclosed the safety and health information of workplaces using chemicals
Provided protective gear to prevent summer health hazards

Occupational Safety and Health Management System(ISO 45001 certification)

  • Obtained industry’s first ISO 45001

    In November 2022, SK Rent-a-Car obtained the ISO 45001 certification, first in the industry. We are making efforts to establishing a safety and health culture within the company by operating a safety and health management system that conforms to the international standards.

Safety and Health Risk Assessment

SK Rent-a-Car has conducted risk assessments to minimize potential safety and health risks.
Since 2023, we have expanded risk assessments(half-yearly) to exceed legal standards(once a year) to create a safe workplace.

Risk Assessment Process

※ Risk assessment is not a one-time process; it is repeated until the risks reach an acceptable level, following the process

Risk Assessments in 2022 & Improvements in 2023

  • No. of business sites : 24 sites in 2022 and 43 sites in 2023
  • Targets(Sites) for assessment : Sites(workplaces) where hazards/risk factors were identified in safety inspections and risk assessments or sites that had not performed safety inspections in 2022 among sites with our employees, subcontractors and dispatched workers
    (Sites that are likely to be exposed to hazards/risk factors)

The average risk level of the first half of 2023 : 3.9 points(low)

The average risk level decreased by 2.8 points when compared to the level in 2022(6.7 points, moderate)

Measures to prevent recurrence and implementation plans

SK Rent-a-Car instructs or advises improvements for risk factors discovered in risk assessments and unimproved matters upon previous assessments, and evaluates whether improvements are made in the next assessment. It suggests alternatives when the proposed improvements are difficult or impossible to carry out.

Category Key Hazards & Risk Factors Measures to prevent recurrence
Mechanical factors
  • Collision with vehicles or equipment, trapped in vehicles or equipment
  • Keeping the workplace clean and tidy with a designated passageway for vehicles and pedestrians
  • Specified a speed limit within the workplace
  • Using equipment after taking proper measures to prevent slipping
Work-related factors
  • Injuries due to load drop
  • Musculoskeletal disorders resulting from handling heavy weights
  • Loading heavy articles and equipment on top prohibited
  • A team of two workers should work with heavy weights using working tools
Chemical factors
  • Health hazards arising from harmful and toxic substance use; fires resulting from fire extinguishing system that fails to initially operate
  • Current status of use for each workplace, MSDS management, and protective gear for use, if necessary
  • Regular inspection of fire extinguishers
Working environment factors
  • Trapped, falling down or collapse due to environmental conditions
  • Labeled with a safety and health mark and installed with related facilities to raise risk awareness
  • Improvements to the workplace environment(replacement, repair, etc.)
Electrical factors
  • Electric shock and fire caused by moisture and dust
  • Keep electric facilities and equipment neat and tidy; power disconnected for equipment unused
  • Emergency Response System & Drill

    SK Rent-a-Car has established internal regulations to cope with emergency situations such as fire, power failure and natural disasters that may occur in the workplace and performed drills to minimize damages caused by these situations.
    Furthermore, we have built a network of emergency contact system, currently in operation, to communicate with the workplaces so as to quickly respond to emergency situations. As a result, we have achieved the goal of no serious accidents(zero accidents) for the last three years.

Establishment of the emergency response system and drills

Date Type Description of activities Note
June 2023 Drills HQ emergency(fire) drills -
January 2023 Established a system Built/Operated the emergency response system for each workplace Emergency contacts : 23 persons in total
October 2022 Established a system Established internal regulations to cope with emergency situations -
August 2022 Drills Distributed video clips on how to respond to emergency situations Replaced with video clips due to the spread of infectious diseases
April 2022 Established a system Established the safety and health management regulations -
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