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ESG System

SK Rent-a-Car conducts double materiality assessments to prevent management risks and discover new opportunities

ESG 추진체계 메인 비주얼 PC 이미지

ESG 추진체계 메인 비주얼 모바일 이미지

For a closer examination of ESG issues that we should pay attention to, SK Rent-a-Car carried out double materiality assessments to analyze comprehensively the impact of our business performance on society and the environment.

Stakeholder Engagement

SK Rent-a-Car works forming a consensus and receiving feedback on sustainable management issues with/from stakeholder groups directly/indirectly associated with all areas of business activities through various communication channels. We have been actively accepting them in our activities.

Stakeholders Major areas of interest Communication channels


Product quality and service safety, customer privacy protection, and customer satisfaction Company website, official blog, social media channels, customer center, and customer satisfaction survey

Shareholders and investors

Transparent disclosure, sound governance, Ethical Management and Compliance, and introduction of eco-friendly products and services Shareholders’ meetings, annual investor relations(IR) activities, and disclosure materials (Business, audit, corporate governance, sustainability, and annual reports)


Employees’ work-life balance, diversity and inclusion, talent development, fair recruitment, human rights management, and sound governance Internal portal, employee survey, grievance handling channel, labor-management council, internal education/workshop, and anonymous bulletin board


Mutual growth with business partners, human rights management, and support for social enterprises Purchase information system and Procurement Council meetings


Eco-friendly products and services, climate action, contribution to local communities, waste management and recycling expansion Social contribution activities, partnership with local communities, and disclosure materials(Sustainability report)


Transparent disclosure, climate action, Ethical Management and Compliance Company website and media reports


Ethical Management and Compliance, human rights management, job creation and job security, and expansion of renewable energy Company website and disclosure materials
(Business, audit, corporate governance, sustainability, and annual reports)

Materiality Analysis

SK Rent-a-Car has been conducting double materiality assessment, which is a comprehensive analysis on the impact of business performance on society and the environment. Double materiality assessment is a methodology that captures the two-way street of impact of sustainability relevant to environmental/social factors on corporate financing and corporate business activities on society, environment and people.

Materiality Analysis Procedure

STEP 1 Preparing material topic "Long-List"
  • Methodology : Data Analysis (Qualitative)
  • Selected 30 topics through list-up and grouping based on global disclosure initiatives such as ESRS, GRI, SASB
STEP 2 Deriving material topic "Short-List"
  • Methodology : Impact mapping(quantitative)
  • Calculate scores by topic by analyzing foundational data

    • ESG evaluation and disclosure criteria
    • Benchmarking within the industry
    • Analysis of CEO messages, Board of Directors, and ESG Committee agenda
    • Media analysis
  • Derive Short-List based on top topics
STEP 3 Conducting the double materiality analysis
  • Analyze the business activities, direct results, and social/ environmental impacts for each topic by interviewing relevant departments
  • Conduct materiality analysis for each Impact by stakeholder survey consisting of employees and external experts(April 3rd to April 5th, 2023)
  • Analyze financial impacts(April 2023)
STEP 4 Selecting the material topic
  • Select the top 5 material topic based on the ranking of impact analysis results
STEP 5 Reviewing the material topic
  • Report the results to the Board of Directors
  • Conduct the Board of Directors's review of the methodology and results

2022 Topic Short-list

2022 최종 중대 토픽

2022 최종 중대 토픽

  • 1 Climate change responses and mitigation
  • 2 Introduction of eco-friendly products and services
  • 3 Product quality and service safety
  • 4 Business innovation and securing new growth drivers
  • 5 Sound governance
  • 6 Ethics and compliance
  • 7 Occupational safety and health management
  • 8 Contribution to local communities
  • 9 Air pollution management and reduction
  • 10 Establishing sound labor-management relations

Materiality Analysis Results

Material Topic Impact Materiality Financial
Environmental · Social Impact Impact
UN SDGs Financial


Climate change responses and mitigation

Responding to the climate change by direct · indirect GHG emission reduction Positive/
level1 level2 level3 UN SDGs 7 UN SDGs 13 level1 level1 level2 level3 Z
Legal sanctions and deterioration of international reputation due to strengthened regulatory oversight Negative/
level1 level2 level1 level2 level3


Introduction of eco-friendly products and services

Establishing eco-friendly mobility ecosystem in Korea through expanding the number of EVs and the EV charging infrastructure Positive/
level1 level2 level3 UN SDGs 7 UN SDGs 11 UN SDGs 12 UN SDGs 13 level1 level2 level1 level2 level3 Z
Minimizing the environmental impact and improving air quality during vehicle operation Positive/
level1 level2 level3 level1 level2
Contributing to resource efficiency by reducing the use of paper during rental periods Positive/
level1 level2 level1


Product quality and service safety

Enhancing service quality and customer value through Voice of Customer(VOC) response and activities improving customer convenience Positive/
level1 level2 UN SDGs 7 UN SDGs 11 level1 level2 level3 level1 level2 A
Contributing to the establishment of a safe driving culture throughout the society and reducing accident rates Positive/
level1 level2 level1


Business innovation and securing new growth drivers

Improving service qualities by business innovation and introduction of new technologies Positive/
level1 level2 level3 UN SDGs 8 UN SDGs 9 level1 level2 level1 level2 A
Reducing transition risks through the exploration of new business opportunities and the acquisition of relevant capabilities Positive/
level1 level2 level1 level2
Risk of job changes and attrition among offline sales personnel and other employees Negative/
level1 level1


Sound governance

Promoting strategic decision-making and sustainable business activities through effective corporate governance Positive/
level1 level2 UN SDGs 16 level1 level2 level1 E
Realizing shareholder value through the protection of shareholder rights and active communication Positive/
level1 level2 level1

Management Approach

  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation



    Establishment of system to respond to the climate change

    Deliberation and resolution of agenda associated with climate change related risk and opportunity by the Board of Directors
    Leading organization
    ESG Team
    Related organization
    GHG Management : All business locations

    Strategy & Policy

    Establishment of Roadmap for Net Zero

    Risk Management

    • Implement integrated risk management related to climate change and preventive measures for physical hazards
    • Continuously monitor climate-related risks and opportunities of short, medium, and long-term
    • Support the establishment of an emergency response system for natural disasters and accidents in all business locations
    • Incorporate climate-related risks and opportunities as deliberation agenda for investment decisions(e.g., Jeju EV Park)

    Metrics & Targets

    GHG Emissions(Incorporate GHG emission reduction target within the management’s KPIs)
    Exceeded a 8% reduction compared to the 2022 reduction target of 3,543 tCO2eq
    Achieve Net Zero
  • Introduction of eco-friendly products and services



    Expanding the engagement of relevant organizations for the expansion of eco-friendly products and services

    The BOD and CEO establish and review the overall direction and performance of eco-friendly mobility initiatives
    Leading organization
    ESG Team
    Related organization

    Strategy & Policy

    Lead the eco-friendly mobility ecosystem in accordance with the environmental management policy

    Risk Management

    • Monitor and manage the status of eco-friendly vehicle ownership
    • Verify GHG reduction from EVs for monitoring the effectiveness of eco-friendly products and services
    • Analyze needs and pain points related to EV usage and develop convenient services

    Metrics & Targets

    EV conversion rate
    • Purchased 7,000 zero-emission vehicles in 2022(including 1,000 EVs in Jeju)
    • Cumulative EV conversion rate of 6.5% in 2022(2022 roadmap target 5%)
    • 100% conversion to EVs for all operational vehicles in Jeju by 2025
    • Achieve EV100 by 2030(25% by 2025, 70% by 2028)
  • Product quality and service safety



    Securing dedicated team to enhance customer value

    BOD and CEO
    Leading organization
    Operate the Secretariat for enhancing customer value
    Operate Customer Protection Organization and Customer Value(CV) Council within the CX Innovation Office

    Strategy & Policy

    Promoting customer protection system centering around five areas by establishment of a Customer Protection Charter

    Risk Management

    • Introduce a “CV Officer” system to effectively respond to VOC, identify major issues, and implement improvement tasks
    • Analyze customer satisfaction to reflect it in quantitative/qualitative improvement of all products and services

    Metrics & Targets

    Customer satisfaction
    93.6% customer satisfaction in 2022
    • Achieve 94.0% customer satisfaction by 2023
    • Achieve 95.5% customer satisfaction by 2025
  • Business innovation and securing new growth drivers



    Establishment of relevant organizations to leap to platform business through EV transition

    BOD and CEO
    Leading organization
    • EV infrastructure development : EV Infra Development Division, EV Business Division
    • EV data analysis : Smartlink Business Unit, Data Science Team

    Strategy & Policy

    Expanding business models centering around “Digital Transformation” and “Service Platformization”

    Risk Management

    Reduce the business risk associated with the transformation into the mobility platform through the exploration of new business opportunities and the acquisition of relevant capabilities

    Metrics & Targets

    • No. of EV Link subscribers
    • EV Link charging coverage
    • Reached 1,520 subscribers in 2022
    • Reached 31% of coverage in 2022
    Expand services and increased the user base of a new BM platform
  • Sound governance



    Establishment of organizational structure for efficient Board of Directors operations

    Make decisions and oversee key management matters in the BOD
    Leading organization
    Perform integrated risk management, the composition and operation of the BOD in the BOD Secretariat

    Strategy & Policy

    Enhancing a sound and transparent governance

    Risk Management

    • Build a transparent and clear decisionmaking system to address internal issues

    Metrics & Targets

    Metrics and Targets
    Disclosure of Board of Directors activities through corporate website and electronic disclosure system
    Establish and disclose a BOD evaluation system
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